- Material: Aluminium, EN AW-6063 T66
- consists of 1 base profile, 1 support bracket, 1 bearing bracket, 2 cross-connector sets, and a screw set
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You can conveniently buy mounting brackets in a modular system. The desired angle of inclination and the module orientation (vertical/horizontal) are important for choosing the right item. The brackets can be combined with all roof fastenings.
You can also choose either complete brackets including screw sets and cross connectors or individual parts.
When do I opt for complete brackets?
If you do not require a continuous base rail.
When do I opt for individual parts?
If you want to install a continuous base rail. You can order our 40 × 40 standard profile up to 6 m long as a basic profile as well as the corresponding support brackets, support brackets, cross connectors and screw sets.
Use the 40 × 40 Standard profile as the mounting profile (not included in the set). The length depends on the module size + terminal spacing + space for end terminal mounting.
The diagonal braces are available separately and are mounted in opposite directions at the end or beginning of a module row or after 10 modules.
Please also see this pdf file.